BlastPED III Operator Manual
BlastPED III Firing Overview
The following section describes the order of events when firing a BlastPED III unit.
Setup Exploder
The BlastPED exploder is set up in a safe position near the face to be fired and turned ON.
The firing line is then connected to the output terminals (see Section 3 for specific details).
The BlastPED III exploder will synchronise with the PED signal.
: Refer to Section 4: Setting up the BlastPED III at the face for more information.
The PEDCALL software operator inserts the appropriate Safety Media in the PC. The ARM
command is then transmitted. After ARM command is received, the BlastPED ARM LED will
light, a siren will sound, and the capacitor will commence charging.
After arming, the BlastPED III unit will remain armed for up to 10 minutes. The firing process
will be automatically aborted if blasting is not performed during this time (i.e. BLAST
command sent & received). If this occurs it will require another ARM command before
blasting can proceed.
: Refer to Section 5: Sending BlastPED III Messages for more information.
The PEDCALL software operator sends the BLAST command to the unit which has been
armed. As the BLAST command is received by the armed unit the charged capacitor is
connected to the output terminals. The capacitor discharges into the firing line, initiating the
Two (2) seconds after blasting the BlastPED III exploder automatically locks out and;
The unit's output is isolated from the battery and firing capacitors
Firing cables (connected to output terminals) and firing capacitor are short circuited
Subsequent ARM and BLAST commands are ignored
The red LED labelled BLASTED, shows that the unit has discharged and is now locked