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Configuring MSI Turbo G
Mode with Client Device
>>> 6.1
Plug in your Turbo G WLAN Client Device (ex. US60G,
USB adapter, Cardbus
etc) and follow on-screen
setup steps to finish MSI W ireless Network USB
Adapter Setup driver installation.
Experiencing the high throughouput of the MSI Turbo G
mode, MSI Turbo G series wireless products are highly
recommended as your best choices. MSI Turbo G mode
is suggested to function with MSI Turbo G series wire-
less products to optimize performance. The compatibil-
ity of other brands of wireless products with MSI Turbo G
mode is not guaranteed.
(MSI Turbo G Mode support is also required on host/
router side, such as the MSI RG60G and US60G).
Actual throughput value might vary due to environmental,
operational and other factors.
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