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MSI Software AP Setup
A new way to build your wireless network! The MSI Soft-
ware AP brings a variety of innovations to home network-
ing and small business users that enhance ease-of-use,
set and cost effective.
W ith this powerful utility, our computer that installed with
the MSI W ireless LAN adapter can become an Access
Point immediately in your office environment, providing a
connection from your wireless network to an existing net-
work backbone, and this allows your wireless clients to
access to the Internet and other resources in your enter-
prise network. It
s ideal for mobile groups (e.g. auditors)
who need short time cost-effective wireless connectivity
without the expense of deploying a hardware-based ac-
cess point.
Wireless 11g Turbo G PCI Card
Wireless 11g Turbo G USB Adapter
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