Adaptec SATA RAID Utility for Intel ICH-HR
drive LED
Disk indicator LED that illuminates during read or write operations.
Notification or alert from the system, indicating that a change has occurred.
event log
File used to maintain information about prior controller activities or errors.
event notification
Process for transmitting events.
State of a nonredundant array that has suffered a single drive failure, or a redundant
array that has suffered multiple drive failures. A failed array is inaccessible and data
is lost.
fault-tolerant array
Refers to an array that can continue to function after a disk drive failure without loss
of data. Fault tolerant, or redundant arrays, include RAID 1 arrays. See also
foreign disk
Disk that has previously been initialized on another Adaptec RAID controller. The RAID
signature on the disk allows the RAID controller to identify whether or not the disk
was initialized on the controller it is currently connected to.
hard disk drive
Basic unit of nonvolatile, nonremovable, magnetic storage media. See also
hot swap
To remove a component from a system and install a new component while the power
is on and the system is running.
An impacted array is one which has been created but for some reason the initial build
operation did not complete. All member drives are present and operational, and all
data written to the array is protected. To optimize the array, run a Verify with Fix Task.
Process of preparing a disk for use by the controller. When a disk is initialized, the
controller records the RAID signature on the disk.