The best way to stop quickly is to:
A. Use the front brake only.
B. Use the rear brake first.
C. Throttle down and use the front
D. Use both brakes at the same time.
Answer - page 47
can cause a skid. Be as smooth as
possible when you speed up, shift
gears, turn or brake.
Use Both Brakes
— The front
brake is still effective, even on a
slippery surface. Squeeze the brake
lever gradually to avoid locking the
front wheel. Remember, gentle
pressure on the rear brake.
The center of a lane
can be
hazardous when wet. When it starts
to rain, ride in the tire tracks left by
cars. Often, the left tire track will
be the best position, depending on
traffic and other road conditions.
Watch for oil spots
when you put
your foot down to stop or park. You
may slip and fall.
Dirt and gravel
collect along the
sides of the road — especially on
curves and ramps leading to and from
highways. Be aware of what’s on the
edge of the road, particularly when
making sharp turns and getting on or
off freeways at high speeds.
Rain dries and snow melts faster
on some sections of a road than on
others. Patches of ice tend to develop
in low or shaded areas and on bridges
and overpasses. Wet surfaces or wet
leaves are just as slippery. Ride on the
least slippery portion of the lane and
reduce speed.
Cautious riders steer clear of roads
covered with ice or snow. If you can’t
avoid a slippery surface, keep your
motorcycle straight up and proceed
as possible. If you encounter
a large surface so slippery that you
must coast, or travel at a walking pace,
consider letting your feet skim along
the surface. If the motorcycle starts to
fall, you can catch yourself. Be sure to
keep off the brakes. If possible, squeeze
the clutch and coast. Attempting this
maneuver at anything other than the
slowest of speeds could prove hazardous.