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kIll SWItcH
If your racing application requires an ignition kill switch (dead man's switch) it is easy to incorporate
into the ignition's trigger input wire. When the trigger input terminal is grounded, the ignition is killed.
A Single-Pole, Single Throw Switch is required (MSD PN 8806).
Connect one side of the switch to ground and the other side to the Points terminal of 7AL-3
(Figure 14).
Mag Pickup:
Connect one side of the switch to ground and the other side to the Mag+ terminal of
7AL-3 (Figure 15).
If for some reason you suspect that the ignition system is not functioning properly, follow the proceeding
procedures to determine if the MSD is functioning properly.
The MSD 7AL-3 is equipped with two LEDs; one Green, one Red.
The Green LED indicates that the ignition is operating properly and is receiving a trigger
signal. If it is not operating, the trigger mechanism, either crank trigger or distributor, is not delivering
a trigger signal. If the engine will not run though the Green LED shows a trigger signal, follow the
"Checking for Spark" procedure on page 12.
The Red LED is a safety or warning function. If it turns on, a problem within the ignition is
occurring. If the Red Led is on, inspect the wiring and connections. If everything checks okay, the
ignition needs to be sent to the factory for inspection/repairs.
MSD offers an Ignition Tester, PN 8998, that will check the Ignition and Coil's operation.(The obsoleted
Tester PN 8995, can only be used on the points input.)
: The 7AL-3 produces very high voltages. Never short the battery or coil terminals. Use
caution during installation and while working near the ignition.
• Check all of the wire connections making sure they are clean and tight. If connectors have been
crimped on make sure they are tight and sealed.
• Make sure the battery is fully charged and properly connected. Also confirm that the MSD power
leads are connected properly and are tight.
• With a test light check that there is voltage on the RED “Ignition” terminal of the MSD when the
ignition is in both the On and START position.
• Check that the only wires connected to the coil are from the MSD. ORANGE should connect to
the positive terminal, bLACK to the negative terminal.
DO NOT connect any test equipment to the coil terminals.
After checking the wiring for loose or faulty connections, follow the next steps to confirm that the unit
is “sparking” properly.
Figure 14 Connecting a Kill Switch to Points.
Figure 15 Connecting the Kill Switch to the Mag+.