The uninstall (Un-Mount) procedure is:
1. Launch a command window.
2. Execute “umount /Gripio”, the “/Gripio” is the mount point in the previous example.
3. Remove Gripio form PC’s USB connector.
3.6 Install & Uninstall software utility
Software utility is only supported in Windows. When you plug a new Gripio into your PC, double
click on “My computer” icon or launch an explorer, browse into Gripio, you will find out an
executable file named: “passwd.exe ”.
Passwd.exe is the key of password security as well as the installer of Gripio software utilities.
Install software utility:
1. Double click on Passwd.exe to launch this program.
2. When passwd.exe was launched, it will check if the software utility is already installed. If
not, passwd.exe will install the software utility automatically.
Un-install software utility:
1. Put the CD come with Gripio into CD-ROM drive.
2. Launch an explorer, browse the CD-ROM, you will find out an executable file named:
3. Double click on uninstall.exe to launch it. Uninstall.exe will uninstall software utilities of
Gripio as soon as it launches.
4. But remember that when you execute passwd.exe next time, software utility will install to
you PC again automatically.
4. Software utility user guide
Gripio software utility is a well-designed windows program; it will add lots of proprietary powerful
functions into explorer and “My computer”. Whenever you want to do something on Gripio, just
right click you mouse button on Gripio disk icon in explorer and “My computer”, you will find some