RC equipment
Transmitter –
three channels transmitter needed (at least). The transmitter must provide the delta mixing
function for elevons.
Recommended servo –
15-20 g, for example MS9380, Hitec HS81
– choose one of the small ones, for example MS-002 or MS-003.
Power source
– recommended are for motor EM 400 – 3x Li-pol 2400 mAh, for motor EM 540 – 3S2P Li-pol
2400 mAh
Speed controller –
brushless speedcontroller for recomended motor (EM 400 or EM 540) .
Materials and tools needed for SWIFT assembly:
Epoxy or Standard CA bond medium thickness, and corresponding CA activator
Self adhesive tape with glass fiber reinforcement (manufactured for example by 3M), 25mm width.
Terms used
Negative dihedral.
Upside down V dihedral.
Steering element fulfills aileron and elevator function. Used on delta planes.
Assembly steps
RC set up.
Switch on the transmitter, set up the proper mix for delta planes, set trims to neutral position. Put
simple horns on the servos, the horns are perpendicular to the lower wing surface. Make a cut in the wing to
place antenna in, if the antenna is longer, than the half of the wing, make the cut in zigzag manner.
Wing assembly.
Apply medium thick CA bond on one wing root section, and spray some CA activator on the
other one. (You can use epoxy instead of CA as well.) Put the wing halves on a flat surface, and press the
trailing edges towards the surface (see Pic. 1) Press the both wings roots together and wait until the glue hardens.
If you follow the described process, the wing will have the proper negative dihedral. Advice: put a plastic foil
between the wing and the surface to prevent the wing sticking to it.