User Manual
MRU GmbH, D-74172 Neckarsulm
123 / 126
General Instructions for the heated hose line
For the save operation of the sample line it is important that it is installed
correctly. This includes the following points:
The bending radius as given below is maintained,
The entire heated hose line is rolled out before put into operation,
Both ends of the heated hose line are connected correctly,
For thermal and mechanical reasons, it shall be supported by a
cable duct along the line,
The heated hose line shall be supported close to the analyser cabinet
and probe housing, for example by using a separate stilt,
There are no extreme temperature variations along the line, as the
line’s temperature is regulated
Unrolling the heated hose line
A wrong and careless use of the heated hose line may cause damage. Espe-
cially on very long heated hose lines the right unpacking and rolling out is
Don`t tear the heated sam-
pling line out. ->
Cause sharp kink.
Roll the heated hose line
smooth out.