5) Port: In accordance with RSW-925 Port as input and must
tick (must be set)
6) Save file: Select the Logger path to be stored (must be set)
7) Alarm Beeper: After checking the SCREEN4-8-7 to tie the set
, when they meet the conditions have an effect
8)Alarm SMS: After checking the SCREEN4-8-7 to tie the set,
when meet the conditions will send SMS
D. In SCREEN4-8-6 the Save tool button, the value will be set
according to Save the storage, and it will return to
SCREEN4-8-4 screen when Step3 green and flashing that
means the RSW-925 connection
E. In SCREEN4-8-4 of Step4 (CH1) click on the picture into
the SCREEN4-8-7, then do High and Low Set and checked,
when you press the Return smart phone screen will return
to SCREEN4-8-4 When the measured value have reached
the condition CH1-CH3 will show red numbers and have
Beeper and send SMS.
F. In SCREEN4-8-4 of Step5 tool button to switch directly
display the value of Meter1-Meter4
G. Re-connect: When they find breaking news WiFi is not connected,
you can press the function do reconnect action.
H. Auto Log: Sampling time is set based on the time and checked, do
the automatic recording function (such as SCREEN4-8-5).
I. Manaul Log: Each time you press the tool button, then record sum.
Both formats Auto Log or Manaul Log, archival records
are xml .
J. View Log: See the recorded data directly on smart phones
(such as SCREEN4-8-8).
if use lutron sw-818 software, channals please setting to 12 CH .