3, Hagavish st. Israel 58817 Tel: 972 3 5595252, Fax: 972 3 5594529
Explanation of symbols
Attention, read user manual before use.
There is a yellow sign of “CAUTION: HOT SURFACE!
ATTENTION: SURFACE HOT” on the instrument. The block
should not be touched with any part of the body when the
instrument is operating in a high temperature state or just
finished operation to avoid burns!
In any of the following cases, immediately turn off the
power supply, withdraw the power plug from the power socket,
contact the supplier for service:
Liquid drops into the inside of the instrument.
The instrument is rained on or water is spilled on it.
The instrument works abnormally, especially if generating
an abnormal sound or odor.
The instrument is dropped or its casing is damaged.
The function of instrument obviously changes