MPS Medical
Pump III
Operator Manual V5.01
Note: Calibration information is stored within each memory, which means that when
one memory setup is re-calibrated, the other memory locations are unaffected
and hold their original calibration values. If several memories require the same
calibration they must be individually calibrated, or the memories must be copied.
See Section 4.11 for details.
Assuming that one of the stored memories contains valid setup information entered on a
previous session then that memory can be accessed by pressing the up and down keys
on the keypad until the appropriate menu letter is displayed in the top left hand corner of
the display. If the fluid reservoir and pipework has been installed correctly, the
dispensing operation can be initiated simply by pressing either the
key or
the foot switch.
Note: Holding down the
arrow keys for a moment will activate the auto
repeat function so the memory can be selected more quickly.
Volume Remaining
The volume of fluid in the container which is being dispensed from can be entered into
the Pharm/
Pump III
. Every time a dispense is made the dispensed volume will be
subtracted from this original volume, giving a running total of volume remaining. If
there is insufficient fluid to perform the next dispense operation an audible warning will
sound and the user will be prompted whether to abort the operation, continue or alter
the volume remaining figure. It is also possible to abort, change the fluid container,
enter the new volume remaining, re-prime, and then resume the dispense.
If this feature is not required it can be disabled effectively giving an endless volume
Note: The volume remaining counter, if enabled, will be decremented for all pumping
operations, whether full dispenses, partial aborted dispenses, during priming or
during calibration.
Preparing for a Dispense
Before a dispense is performed, the PHARM/
Pump III
needs to know the following
Is the operation to be performed with a fixed drug name 10mL dispense with
printed label?