Hard Disk Multimedia Player QH100
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the button 3 times and select a subtitle language using the UP and DOWN arrow.
Then click on the OK button.)
Selects a specific audio source when multiple audio sources exist in the movie file.
Zoom-in / Zoom-Out
Zoom-in or Zoom-out the screen
1-click (Screen Zoom-in )
Customizes a zoon level using the arrow buttons( it will be implemented in the future)
2-clicks (Pan& Scan)
Fills up the screen preferentially based on the horizontal ratio of a movie file (but,
some portion of the left and right side of the image are lost)
3-Clicks (Full screen)
Regardless of the aspect ratio of a file , fills up the screen.
4-Clicks (Defaulted Screen)
Sets the screen to the original aspect ratio of a files
Playback Mode Selection
Selects a playback mode for playing music or movie files (see the icon descriptions
1-song repeat
unlimited repeat
1-time playback
random playback
Unlimited repeat playback for all the files
Unlimited repeat random playback for all the files
1-time playback for all the files
1-time random playback for all the files
Unlimited repeat playback for a single file