Important points to remember when using the same direction mode:
Vehicles traveling at or very near patrol speed are not considered by the
to be
targets. Thus a vehicle may be directly in front of the patrol car, but if it is traveling the same
speed (within 3 mph of the patrol speed), it will not be a read as a target. In same direction
mode, the target window displays the strongest vehicle that is NOT within 3 mph of the patrol
2) The Fastest/Slower button NEVER causes the PYTHON III to select a different target; it
only causes different math to be used in the speed computation for that target. For example,
if the patrol were closing on one vehicle while being passed by another, the Fastest/Slower
button would NOT help choose one or the other.
3) Fastest mode is not available in same direction mode.
4) Range in same direction mode is reduced substantially from opposite direction mode. The
range adjustment sets the range for the opposite direction, stationary and same direction
5) If heater fan interference is a problem in stationary mode, it will also be a problem in same
direction moving; however, the speeds displayed will vary with patrol, making the problem
more difficult to identify. This makes the placement of the PYTHON III
more important.
6) If the Fastest/Slower (while in same direction mode) switch setting is correct, changing the
patrol speed by a small amount will not effect the displayed target speed. Changing patrol
speed is one way to verify proper selection "fast" button.
7) It is best for patrol speed to be either higher or lower than all possible targets. This eliminates
doubt about target identification.