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P a g e
Step 3 - Program the Bypass:
Step 4 - Test the system and close it up!
Once all your connections are made, you should test the system before putting everything back together.
Press the ‘lock’ and ‘unlock’ buttons on your remote and confirm that the door locks are operating properly.
If you have the trunk/hatch release feature connected, press and hold the ‘trunk’ button for 3 seconds. The
trunk should open and the doors should unlock.
Press the “start” button on your remote to start the vehicle.
Stop the engine by stepping on the brake.
Once you’ve completed testing the system, it’s time to close it up.
Gather up all your wiring and neatly bundle it together using zip ties or electrical tape. Find a secure place to put the
remote start module and use zip ties to secure it.
Make sure that the remote start wires are not near any moving
parts on the steering wheel, pedals or emergency brake!