NPort 5000 Series User Manual
Password and Login Policy
A user with an administrator role is authorized to determine the password and login policy of the NPort 5000
Account Password Policy
Default Description
Password minimum length
4-16 characters 4
Define the minimum length of login password
Password complexity strength
Enable/Disable Disable
Enable password complexity strength check will
enforce the password combination setting
At least one digit (0-9)
Enable/Disable Disable
The password must contain at least one number
(0-9) when enabling this parameter
Mixed upper and lower
case letters (A~Z, a~z)
Enable/Disable Disable
The password must contain an upper and a lower
case letter when enabling this parameter
At least one special
characters (~!@#$%^&*-
Enable/Disable Disable
The password must contain at least one special
character when enabling this parameter
Password lifetime
0-180 days
(0 for disable)
90 days
A password lifetime can be specified and a
system notification message will show up to
remind users to change the password if the
option is enabled.
Account Login Failure Lockout
Default Description
Account Login Failure Lockout
Enable/Disable Disable
An account login failure lockout rule can be
defined and enforced when enabled.
Retry failure threshold
1-10 retry
5 if
Number of retries can be determined prior to
the lockout
Lockout time
1-60 minute(s)
5 if
Lockout duration can be specified to determine
time until next retry.