MGate EIP3000 Series User’s Manual
Configuring the EtherNet/IP Gateway
target DF1 device, it will forward the response to ProCOM and then the application running on your
PC will receive the response.
Set up Protocol
You can configure the options for DF1, EtherNet/IP, and CIP protocol. Response Time-out defines
how much time the EIP3000 needs to wait for a response after sending a PCCC command to a
DF1/EIP device. We strongly suggest that the value should be greater than ACK timeout, since it
requires at least double the timeout values of DF1 ACK after the EIP3000 forwards a PCCC
command and before it gets a response.
ACK timeout for DF1 settings defines how much time the EIP3000 needs to wait for an ACK after
sending a DF1 message to a DF1 device. DF1 messaging supports CRC16 and BCC as the method of
frame error checking.
The EIP settings define how to send a CIP message as the EIP3000 is an EIP client. The EIP3000
uses connected CIP messages as default. If your EIP device only supports unconnected messages,
you can change this setting accordingly.
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