Mountain Models Tantrum
Sides of the fuselage
Top of the fuselage
The bottom of the fuselage should not be covered now,
it will be done after you route the pull-pull cables, described later.
Bottom and then top of the wing. You don't want to cover where the wings
connect to the fuselage; this is going to be inside the fuselage anyway, so
there is no reason to make it "pretty". We recommend completely covering
one wing and then doing the other, helps keep the rhythm.
Cutting out the Covering
After you've finished covering your pieces, you're going to need to cut out a few portions
of the covering material, as follows:
Cut out the elevator/horizontal stabilizer slot.
Cut out the wing slots on both sides of the fuselage.
Cut out the aileron servo access holes, right behind the wing slots.
Cut out the openings for the rear wing alignment piece. Cut out only the top,
bottom, and front. Fold the covering into the opening and tack it down.
Cut out the vent underneath the servos for the rudder and elevator. This is for
cooling purposes.
Expose the bulkhead stringer where the vertical stabilizer will attach, this creates
a stronger bond.
When you cut the covering, try to leave enough material so that you can
fold it in to cover the edge of the balsa.
Gluing the Wing Alignment Brace
The wing alignment brace was put in place within the fuselage earlier in this process,
now it's time to glue it in place.
Make sure that the alignment brace is centered, and then glue the joints.