Step 5: Sanding and Covering
The next step is to sand the pieces that need to be sanded and cover everything.
We aren’t going to go into how to cover the pieces themselves,
you’re going to have to refer to your covering’s instructions for this information.
Sanding the Cub
What we recommend:
320 grit sandpaper for sanding, 400 grit if you want an even smoother finish.
While sanding, try to go over the entire edge in a sweeping motion.
Make sure that you sand lengthwise with the grain and not across it, as this will
cause less strain on the wood, less chance of breaking the pieces, and a smoother
Using a tack cloth, carefully remove the balsa dust once you are done sanding.
What to Sand
On the tail parts, first lightly sand each side of them so all the part joints end up nice and
smooth. Use a sanding block long enough so you don’t nick the edges of the internal
structure as you sand. Start out with 320 grit to get everything to the same plane and then
lightly sand the parts with 400 grit for a nice finish. Now, round all the outside edges and
the hinged edges. Do NOT round the bottom edges of the vertical where it will join or insert
into the fuselage. Don’t skip this because square edges really don’t look good after it’s