2. Stop and step off it over unsafe surfaces or terrain.
3. Their wheels must be able to grip the ground for you to stay upright. Slips
occur when loses traction, potentially causing loss of control and a fall. Abrupt
maneuvers and riding over slippery surfaces, bumps, and loose objects and
materials, may cause it to lose traction.
4. Keep in mind that the maximum distance traveled on one full battery
charge shortens as the user’s weight increases and the slope of the terrain. It
also depends on the surface conditions and weather conditions.
5.1 Storage
Please store it in a dry place. If left unused, recharge and unload the battery
every month to maintain longevity of the battery.
5.2 Inflation
The tires are vacuum tires and do not need to be inflated.
5.3 Warranty
The warranty will not be covered under the following conditions:
1. Malfunction due to misuse.
2. Malfunction caused by unauthorized modifications, disassembling or repair.
3. Accidental damage or malfunction due to unsuitable storage.
4. Unmatched warranty/proof of purchase and product.
5. Surface damages.
6. Disassemble parts unspecified by this manual.
7. Damage or malfunction caused by long rides in the rain or soaking in water
or dusty surfaces.
6.1 We will guide you with below precaution points to understand and
use the product safely.
1. This Product is not a toy and only person age of 13+ are allowed to use.
2. Please wear all the safety gears before operating this product.
3. If you hear the beep sound and the battery icon turns red, please stop
using the product immediately and plug in the adaptor to charge the battery.
4. Do not ride this product on floor where the water is spilled, this product is
NOT WATER PROOF, it may damage the product. Do not ride this product on
dusty floor, this Product is NOT DUST PROOF, it may damage the product.
Do not ride this product on uneven floor, by doing this you may lose your bal-
ance and fall down. It is recommended always to use the product on smooth
floor/surface only.
We strongly recommend to learn how to ride this product thoroughly before
using it.
Rider must be accompanied by another person while riding it for the first
time to avoid any accident.
When you try to ride the product and if it vibrates and jumps then stop using
the product immediately and contact our service center for help.
Always look straight while riding this product to avoid accident.
We strongly recommend not to ride this product in very fast speed for your