After the message “SET WEIGHT
+ ENTER” is displayed on the screen, the message “60”
comes out to indicate default user weight is 60kg. Press ‘ENTER’ button after setting up user’s
weight with ‘UP/DOWN’ or numeric key. Next step is age setup. If you don’t press ‘ENTER’ but
‘START/STOP’ key, Fat burn workout starts with default user weight.
4. Set up Weight
After the message “SET TIME
+ ENTER” is displayed on the screen, the message “30” comes
out to indicate default exercise time is 30 minutes. Press ‘ENTER’ button after setting up the
exercise time with ‘UP/DOWN’ or numeric key. Next step is weight setup. If you don’t press
‘ENTER’ but ‘START/STOP’ key, Fat burn workout starts with default exercise time.
3. Set up Time
–You can set up maximum exercise time in the manager mode.
When you press HRC button, the message “SELECT WORKOUT
+ ENTER” is displayed on
the screen.
1. Select HRC Mode
Press ‘ENTER’ button after selecting ‘Fat Burn’ with ‘UP/DOWN’ button.
2. Select ‘Fat Burn’ Exercise workout
Calculate maximum heart rate and target heart rate
Maximum heart rate (MHR) = 220 - AGE (YR),
Target heart rate (THR) = MHR
0 .65
- Contact H/R sensor is less accurate than wireless polar heart rate sensor. For H/R
exercise, it is recommended to use wireless polar heart rate sensor.
- When setting up weight with ‘UP/DOWN’ button, the increment or decrement is
done with the resolution of 1kg. If you keep pressing ‘UP/DOWN’ button for a while,
the weight value increases or decreases rapidly.
How to use Fat Burn workout
After the message “SET AGE
+ ENTER” is displayed on the screen, the message “35” comes
out to indicate the default user age is 35. Press ‘ENTER’ button after setting up user’s age with
‘UP/DOWN’ or numeric key.
5. Set up Age