AX34509b_e.doc / Mrz-16
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Special Functions
Tare / Offset function
This function will become active after the “Cmd” parameter has been set to “oFFSEt” or to
“both”(see 6.1). As a result, every touch of the “Cmd” key will store the actual display value to
the Offset register, resulting in a Zero display with the actual input signal.
This function allows converting non-linear input signals into a linear presentation or vice-versa.
There are 16 interpolation points available, which can be freely arranged over the whole
measuring range in any distance. Between two points the unit automatically will interpolate
straight lines.
For this reason it is advisable to set many points into areas with strong bending, and to use
only a few points in areas with little bending. „Linearization Mode“ has to be set to either „1-
quA“ or „4-quA“ to enable the linearization function (see subsequent drawing). This will change
the linear measuring results into a non-linear display.
Parameters P01_x to P16_x select 16 x- coordinates, representing the display values which the
unit would normally show in the display. With parameters P01_y to P16_y you can specify now,
which values you would like to display instead of the corresponding _x values.
This means e.g. that the unit will replace the previous P02_x value by the new P02_y value.
With respect to the consistency of the linearization, the x- registers have to use continuously
increasing values, e.g. the x- registers must conform to the constraint
P01_X < P02_X < … < P15_X < P16_X.
Independent of the selected linearization mode, the possible setting range of all registers
P01_x, P01_y,…, P16_x, P16_y is always -99999 … 99999.
For measuring values lower than P01_x, the linearization result will always be P01_y.
For measuring values higher than P16_x, the linearization result will always be P16_y.
With operation modes “Single” and Dual”, all linearization refers to input channel A only.
With all combined operation modes, linearization refers to the calculated final result of the
selected combination.