Manual code
- vers.
- 07/2017 - The cont
ents of this manual may be changed, at any time, and without notice.
Door release. (blue LED)
In systems set up for this signal,
during a call from an entry panel
or self-connection, the LED being
permanently on indicates that the
door is open.
Only use soft, dry or slightly damp
cloths to clean the terminal. Do not use any
chemical products.
Adjusting ringtone (high-medium-low)
Brightness (function available when
video is activated)
Colour saturation (function available
when video is activated)
Auxiliary 1 (function available even
when communication is not activated
if the system allows it)
Auxiliary 2
Internal call
Select receivers from 5÷8 (blue LED)
Activates / Deactivates communication
(blue LED)
No ringtone/Mute (red LED)
Panic (red LED)
Activates and selects the entry panel.
This function is available only when
the line is free.
Function of buttons