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Other Leak Detection Applications (Cont.)
Under Dash Leaks
Under dashboard leaks can be very difficult to locate. The MotorVac Cool Smoke can confirm or
eliminate the possibility of an under dash leak in minutes. Most vehicles have a common vacuum supply line
that originates at the engine intake. This vacuum source comes through the firewall to supply the climate
control functions as well as other systems in the vehicle. Vacuum systems under the dashboard are
intended to be closed systems; any flow through these systems would indicate that there is a leak present.
1. Connect the supply nozzle to the main vacuum line (beyond the check valve) leading to the dashboard.
2. Press LEAK TEST button to introduce air into the system and watch the flow meter’s indicator ball.
If the ball drops to zero the system is leak-free.
3. Continue to introduce air into the system while testing each setting on the climate control. Watch the
flow meter for any indication of flow, confirming a leak.
4. Set the selector switch on the tester to SMOKE and introduce smoke into the position determined to
have a leak. Use the spotlight to look for the smoke exiting the leak, or use a UV lamp to look for the
dye deposited.
Intercooler and Turbo Charger Leaks
Engine compartments with turbochargers tend to run hotter than normally aspirated engines causing hoses
and seals to dry out and leak. For turbocharged systems to operate efficiently there can be no leaks in the
intercooler, ducting, exhaust or the turbo itself. Intercoolers and turbochargers are tested with the engine off,
as with all tests performed with the MotorVac Cool Smoke.
1. Connect the smoke supply line to the intake system.
2. Introduce smoke into the “cold” side of the turbocharger.
3. While the intake is under smoke pressure, inspect the intercooler, the ducting, the waste gate, and the
cold side of the turbo for leaks.
4. To inspect the “hot” side or exhaust side of the turbo for leaks, install the exhaust cone into the
exhaust pipe. Introduce smoke and inspect the exhaust, the exhaust manifold, and the hot side of the