FCC ID: AZ489FT4833
Display 2. VOX Sensitivity Selection --> Press Scroll Button to Change.
Press Mode Button.
Display 3. Channel - Frequency Mapping --> Scroll to see the what channel is
associated with what frequency. Also changes the channel (slowest way).
Press Mode Button.
Display 4. PL Code ----> Shows the PL code selected for all channels.
Press Mode Button ----> Exits selection mode.
The radio will operate in the selected values.
To exit after doing any changes without going through all the
Press PTT (fastest).
Let the Menu timer expire (slowest).
If the radio is turned on with PTT pressed for more than 3 seconds:
The radio enters the Supervisor Mode.
Display 1. Frequency - Channel Mapping Display. Channel Numbers Solid Frequency
Numbers Blinking. --> Frequency can be changed by pressing the scroll button. F1 to F8 back
to F1.
To change channel, press Monitor Button.
Channel Numbers Blinking.
Frequency Number Solid. ---> Channels can be changed by
pressing the Scroll Button. 1 to 2 back to 1.
To select a new frequency again, press Monitor Button. After this
you can repeat this sequence many times. Until the Mode button is pressed again,
PTT is pressed or the menu timer expires.
Display 2. If you pressed the menu button again, then you go to PL
Code Menu. Channel Numbers with a solid c. PL Code Numbers blinking.
---> It indicates that the PL code is selected to be changed. With the scroll button change
the PL code.
By pressing the Mode button, PTT or allowing the Menu timer to
expire you exit the supervisor selection mode. You can not back to this mode unless you
turn the radio off and back on with PTT pressed.