FCC ID: AZ489FT4833
Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility
Nearly every electronic device is susceptible to electromagnetic interference 9EMI) if
inadequately shielded, designed or otherwise configured for electromagnetic compatibility.
Turn your radio OFF in any facilities where posted notices instruct you to do so. Hospitals or
health care facilities may be using equipment that is sensitive to external RF energy.
Turn your radio off when on board aircraft when instructed to do so. Any use of the radio
must be in accordance with airline regulations or crew instructions.
Spirit GT Radio Frequencies
Frequency Number
Frequency MHz
464.5000 MHz
454.5500 MHz
467.8500 MHz
467.8750 MHz
467.9000 MHz
467.9250 MHz
467.7625 MHz
467.8125 MHz
There are several audio and carrying accessories (sold separately) available for Spirit GT radios.
Accessories allow you to customize radios to suit your business communications needs. The right
accessory can enhance productivity and can help you increase customer satisfaction.
For information, contact your place of purchase or call Motorola at:
After the radio is turned on without PTT being pressed, the radio is in
Normal Mode (Rx).
To change channels (2 channel radio): Press the scroll button, (fastest
To change channels or VOX Sensitivity Level or Call Tones.
Press Mode Button. Radio is in Mode Selection:
Display 1. Call Tones ---> Press Scroll Button to change.
Press Mode Button.