checking capacity 86
erasing name and number 85
find entry by location 84
find entry by name 83
last ten numbers dialed 93
menu 70
modifying name and number 85
organizing 74
preventing access 87
storing names and numbers 76
Phone Book Menu 192
phone calls
automatic redial 47, 54
phone flash 59, 61, 62, 103, 105,
107, 108, 109
phone memory 74
phone number 50, 94
phone operation 8
Phone Setup menu 134, 198
PIN code
changing 143
defined 209
unblocking 143
PIN2 code
changing 144
is blocked 204
unblocking 145
placing calls
calling a phone book entry 85
dialing a number 46
embedded in a message 49,
emergency calls 50
from the phone book 49
international 47
last ten numbers dialed 93
number in a message 49
one-touch dialing 96
Portable Dock 24
defined 209
posted facilities 9
power key 15
power on messages 43
powering your phone on 43
prefixes 82
preventing access to phone book
preventing incoming calls 116
preventing outgoing calls 114
defined 209
prompts and messages 12
protecting SIM card with a PIN
code 142
Protecting Your SIM Card with a
PIN Code 142
quick access icons 19
quick access key 15
Quick Access Menu 66
activating feature 66
custom icons 190
customizing 67, 190
default icons 67
defined 209
scrolling 66
real time clock 18
recalling entries 83
receiving calls
answering 51
indicators 51
Reconnect Failed 58
Redial Failed 47
Redial? 46, 47
redialing last number called 48
registering with satellite network
removing a battery 32
removing antenna 26
removing battery covers 29
removing the battery 32
removing the Cellular Cassette 40
removing the SIM card 28
repetitive timer 184
resetting options to defaults 152
Restricted Area 46