Anti-Fraud Protection Information 7
Anti-Fraud Protection Information
Anti-Fraud Protection Information
To prevent the RSGu3502 Residential Gateway and/or your Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Card from
being stolen and reused, please incorporate the security options listed below:
If your device is stolen
Immediately notify your service provider if the RSGu3502 is stolen.
SIM Fraud Control
Your service provider will give you a PIN that you are prompted to enter at every power-up. The SIM PIN is
enabled when you purchase your RSGu3502.
To enter you SIM PIN, first make sure your telephone is connected:
Power up your residential gateway.
Wait for your handset to ring.
Pick up the telephone handset. You will hear a stutter tone.
Enter you SIM PIN. If you enter the incorrect PIN you will hear the stutter tone again.
Listen for a dial tone. When you hear the dial tone, you have completed the validation process.
After two incorrect PIN entries, the system hangs up and blocks the SIM PIN. Contact
your service provider for additional assistance.