JSR 184 – 3D API
JSR 184 Mobile 3D API defines an API for rendering three-dimensional (3D) graphics at
interactive frame rates, including a scene graph structure and a corresponding file format
for efficient management and deployment of 3D content. Typical applications that might
make use of JSR 184 Mobile 3D API include games, map visualizations, user interface,
animated messages, and screen savers. JSR 184 requires a J2ME device supporting
MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 at a minimum.
Mobile 3D API
The Motorola V3x contains full implementation of JSR 184 Mobile 3D API
). The Motorola V3x has also implemented the
Call to
with key – microedition.m3g.version will return
1.0, otherwise null will be returned.
Floating point format for input and output is the standard IEEE float having a 8-bit
exponent and a 24-bit mantissa normalized to 1.0, 2.0.
Implementation will ensure the Object3D instances will be kept reference to
reduce overhead and possible inconsistency.
Thread safety
Necessary pixel format conversions for rendering output onto device
Support at least 10 animation tracks to be associated with an Object 3D instance
(including animation controller) subject to dynamic memory availability.