applies only to IMPRES 2, IMPRES, or other authentic Motorola
Solutions Lithium-Ion batteries.
The charger may fully-discharge some Motorola Solutions batteries
before charging to the Ship Lithium limit. Such batteries include
IMPRES 2 or IMPRES batteries that were never calibrated or need a
new calibration. Also included are authentic Motorola Solutions
Lithium-Ion batteries that are not IMPRES 2 or IMPRES.
Ship Lithium does not apply to Nickel batteries or Unknown batteries.
These batteries will be Faulted.
Long-Term Storage
Long-Term Storage sets the IMPRES 2 or IMPRES battery to a SoC
suitable when storing the battery for a long period of time. Usually, the
preferred SoC for storage is significantly less than fully charged, such
as 50%. Long-Term Storage at 75% Rated Capacity is available for
scenarios requiring the stored battery to be at a higher SoC, minimizing
full-charge time if the battery must be quickly fielded.
The charger may fully-discharge some Motorola Solutions batteries
before charging to the Long-Term Storage limit. Such batteries include
IMPRES 2 or IMPRES batteries that were never previously calibrated
or need a new calibration.
Long-Term Storage and Long-Term Storage 75% do not apply to
Unknown batteries or Motorola Solutions batteries that are not
IMPRES 2 or IMPRES batteries. These batteries will be Faulted.
MN003555A01.book Page 35 Wednesday, February 14, 2018 2:40 PM