Universe Chip Problems after a PCI Reset
1. LSIO image
Description: After a PCI reset, the LSIO image is still enabled, but the
base, bound, and translation offset changes value.
Workaround: None."
Motorola Firmware Engineering has implemented firmware workaround
Method 1 in the PPCBug debugger release 3.1.
The above notes describing this Universe chip PCI reset problem
are for those customers who replace the MCG firmware with
their own. Many of these customers replace Motorola’s firmware,
or overwrite the firmware settings for the Universe chip. These
customers may run into this problem.
Customers should not encounter any problems if they leave Motorola’s
PPCBug debugger intact.
Example 1: MVME2600 Series Board Exhibits Problem
Use an MVME2600 series board to exhibit the problem.
running PPCOF2.0 Ir05
all the Universe code which initializes the Universe has been disabled
(not the PCI code, the driver code)
modified probe list to d,c,e,f,10
env parameters set such that LSI0 image will be enabled
1. Manually call each Universe initialize word, to duplicate typical