Acceleration (shaking/earthquakes)
The built-in acceleration sensor measures raw acceleration which can
occur with shaking, earthquakes, fracking, construction, or general
motion or disturbance of something that should normally be stable.
The sensor will indicate 0, for no shaking detected, or a number from
4 to 10. The chart below indicates the corresponding acceleration,
where the unit mg means milli-g, or 1000th g, where g is gravitational
acceleration at sea level.
No value is displayed in the icon on the dashboard during a shaking
event, but if an alert is enabled you will see a red alert circle. Within
about a minute after shaking stops, a peak value is displayed above
the icon. Please note that the peak is reported after shaking stops, or
every 20 minutes, whichever occurs first. After 20 minutes without
shaking, the icon scale will return to 0. Note: clicking Refresh will also
return the scale to 0, if there is currently no shaking.