Screen #5 After [W, Y or Z] Command Selected
This is the resulting screen that is displayed after the user selects the ‘[W] Change default low freq.’ com-
mand. The user is prompted to enter the new default low frequency value.
Entering a new value does not change the current output frequency of the target board. Changing the low
frequency simply adjusts the low frequency setting available from the main menu. The ‘[L]! Set to low
freq.’ command changes the current output frequency.
The screen is similar for the Y and Z commands except that the prompts specify medium or high frequen-
cy, respectively.
Welcome to MC145xxx EVK Demonstration Program, rev 2.5
Set default low frequency
Available Boards – Current target board is: A, MC145190
Brd [A]!: MC145190 Brd [–]!: N/A Brd [–]!: N/A
Input new default low frequency in integer values of MHz and kHz.
Original program default low frequency is 741 MHz
Current low frequency is 741 MHz
New default low frequency: 741 MHz + 000 kHz
[TAB] to move to next field
[Q] to return to main menu
[X]! Terminate demonstration program. [?]! View help screen.