Introduction -
such as auxiliary alert, entertainment mute and a loudspeaker
Understanding this Manual
Many of your phone options are accessed by a simple menu
system. A full description of the menus and how to move around
them is covered in the section “Menu Navigation” on page 9. When
the manual describes the use of each menu item, it will be
assumed that you are familiar with the menu system.
Key Presses
Key presses are represented in this manual using symbols so that
you may locate and use the required sequence quickly. A sequence
of key presses may be shown as follows:
This means that you should press the menu key (
) followed
by the right soft key (
) key and then the left soft key (
), in
sequence, not simultaneously.
Prompts and Messages
Your phone responds to key presses by displaying either easy to
understand prompts that guide you to the next action, or simple
messages confirming that your action is complete. Prompts and
messages are represented in this manual in bold, for example:
Enter PIN
Menu Navigation
A large number of your phone's options are accessed by using
menus that use a common approach for selection, change and
cancellation. Page 9 Monday, April 16, 2007 5:22 PM