No coverage: Based on the fact that the phone is unreachable by the cradle the
phone keeps beeping plus a message in the phone screen saying: “Please, return
to coverage area”
Synchronization with cradle:
When inserting handset on cradle: synchronized.
When you turn ON the phone and the handset is not paired with any cradle the
phone display the following message: “Please, return handset to cradle”
Idle mode:
When phone is in coverage area: Nothing happens.
When phone is out of coverage area, the phone should reproduce a beep with the
message: “Please, return to coverage area”
Calling mode:
If you are almost out of coverage area : The phone shall reproduce a single low
volume beep plus the message: “Please, return to coverage area”
Out of coverage area: normal beep plus the message: “Please return to coverage
area”, after some seconds with no return to the coverage area the call must be
dropped and the phone must go to “NO coverage” mode.