CMR2100 UM.doc
Enter number
Enter the number you want to call, for example
correct errors
Press [CLR] to erase one digit at a time if you make errors.
Press and hold [CLR] to erase the entire entry and start again.
Press and hold [MENU] until you hear a dual tone, or press [SEND] to call.
You will see:
03 5551234
You can dial phone numbers with up to 32 digits, but only the last 24 digits will appear in
the display. Press [RCL] to see the rest of the number.
Your phone will display the first 24 digits, then a second screen will show the digits
remaining in the phone number.
Ending a call
Press [END] to end a call, or
Press and hold [MENU] until you hear a dual tone.
You will see
To end call press [**]
Press [MENU] again to end call.
If you press [SEND] without entering a number, your phone will dial the last number
Receiving calls
The phone must be ON to receive calls.
To receive a call:
Enter [SEND] when the phone rings.
To end a call:
Press [END] to end the call, or
Press and hold [MENU] until you hear a dual tone.
You will see: Press [**] to end call
Press [MENU] to end call.