BMC9012 User Guide
Basic coaxial (RF) video/audio
Attach one end of the coaxial cable to the
port on the BMC9012 and the other end to
Cable/Antenna In
port of the TV. This connection provides both audio and video signals.
Follow the instructions under
Hardware Installation Wrap-up
, starting on page 9.
Figure 8: Basic RF coaxial connection
Hardware Installation Wrap-Up
The following procedures walk you through a final inspection and power-up of the system, and
then show you how to configure the system software. Also, depending on the type of TV and
connection used, you may need to tune the TV to the proper channel or set the video input
source. Refer to your TV user manual for details.
To complete the hardware installation
Verify that all cable connections are tight and secure, all coaxial connections are finger-tight
and properly seated, and that all RCA-style plugs are fully seated.
Ensure that nothing blocks the vents of the BMC9012 and other equipment.
Plug the TV power cord into the wall outlet.
Attach one end of the power cable to the BMC9012
port and plug the other end into
the wall outlet. Then turn on the BMC9012 by pressing and releasing the
located on the right-hand side of the front panel.
Once the BMC9012 is turned on, you never need to turn it off. Unless you are
moving it or having it serviced, you should leave it powered on at all times to
ensure that scheduled recordings are not interrupted.
While the BMC9012 starts up, a sequence of numbers may appear on the front panel display
(where the time is normally shown). This display is designed to help troubleshoot the system. If
the BMC9012 is unable to complete the startup process, please note the number shown on the
display and refer to this number when speaking with your cable provider's customer support line.
The Moxi splash screen indicates a successful installation. Allow the unit approximately three
minutes to fully start, and then configure the audio and video software settings using the
information in the next two sections.