Figure 2-8. Adding or Replacing a Daughtercard on the Back Side of the
Vanguard 100 PC
Adding or Replacing a DSU Daughtercard
The DSU daughtercard provides an RJ48S connector on Port 1 and comes
installed from the factory if you ordered a daughtercard. It supports speeds of 56
kbps (synchronous), and does not support multipoint.
DSU Functionality
The DSU daughtercard functionality suits an extended range of 56 kbps point-to-
point DDS1 interfaces for North American service that conforms to AT&T 62310
or ANSI T1E1.4/91-006.
The DSU daughtercard is FCC Part 68 registered. The DSU normally uses
external clocking derived from the network. Diagnostic loopbacks from the
telephone company are supported; local diagnostics are activated from the CTP.