Thousands of Internet Songs and Radio Stations
Online Guide provides you with online services and audio content
from our Internet partners, including thousands of Internet radio
streams, MP3s, syndicated audio programming (news, talk shows,
comedy, and more) and other online content to help you discover
new music and enhance your experience with
s i m p l e f i
online guide
on the SimpleServe Console or the
online guide
button located at the lower-left corner of Media Manager to gain
access to thousands of online MP3s and Internet radio broadcasts.
When you activate your account, Media Manager installs featured
channels from our Internet content providers. To customize these
online channels, go to the
link within Online Guide, and
click on the link to a channel to customize it.
Customize Your Internet Radio Stations
Online Guide connects you to our Internet partner sites. Because
each Internet content provider offers different services, Online Guide
displays instructions to help you customize each featured channel.
These instructions appear within your browser window and are tai-
lored to the individual Internet partner’s customization requirements.
Bookmark Your Favorite Songs
Online Guide also contains a link to your Tags page, which displays
additional information about songs, including concert dates and
discography, that you tag using the TagIt! button on your remote
control. After you tag a song, you can share a link to the song with
friends and family, also known as “bouncing” a song.
Online Guide provides additional services, software updates and
other important information to ensure you have the most up-to-date
services and utilities for your
s i m p l e f i
You must be connected to the Internet to access
Online Guide.