Troubleshooting Reference
SPA: LS-EDGE is Offline (223)
SPA has detected loss of communication with LS-EDGE.
1. Check CAN1 and CAN2 connections on SCE-CPU.
2. Check connections on LS-EDGE.
SPA: Motion Shutdown (437)
Traction only. Bypassed in Construction and Inspection bypass modes.
The car will be unable to move until the fault is corrected.
1. Check event log.
SPA: PLD ABD Mismatch (203)
Traction only. The ABD signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPB or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
3. Possible communication problem between SPA and SPB.
SPA: PLD ABU Mismatch (202)
Traction only. The ABU signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPB or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
3. Possible communication problem between SPA and SPB.
SPA: PLD ATD Mismatch (201)
Traction only. The ATD signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPB or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
3. Possible communication problem between SPA and SPB.
SPA: PLD ATU Mismatch (200)
Traction only. The ATU signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPB or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
3. Possible communication problem between SPA and SPB.
SPA: PLD CDBO Mismatch (184)
Traction only. The CDBO signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPB or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
3. Possible communication problem between SPA and SPB.
SPA: PLD CTEN Mismatch (192)
Traction only. The CTEN signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPA or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
SPA: PLD DETS Mismatch (180)
Traction only. The DETS signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
Evaluates the type of limit switches selected in Config 02:ETS LIMIT
SWITCHES vs. switches connected (virtual, physical or none).
1. Verify switches connected vs. setting in CONFIG. 02.
2. Ensure controller is programmed for the type of limit switches used.
3. Possible problem with the physical input to SPB or PLD.
4. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
5. Possible communication problem between SPA and SPB.
SPA: PLD DZ Mismatch (208)
Traction only. The DZ signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPA or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
SPA: PLD ESC Mismatch (181)
Traction only. The ESC signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPA or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
SPA: PLD HDBO Mismatch (186)
Traction only. The HBDO signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPB or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
3. Possible communication problem between SPA and SPB.
SPA: PLD ICEN Mismatch (196)
Traction only. The ICEN signals seen by the SPA and PLD do no match.
1. Possible problem with the physical input to SPA or PLD.
2. Possible communication problem between SPA and PLD.
Table 2.15 Touch Screen Event Listings