An Ethernet RJ45 socket, connecting to a standard Ethernet cable, is
provided on:
#62202 SDL3 loom
#61131 Ethernet cable, unterminated, 2 metre
#61132 Ethernet to Autosport pins cable, 1.8 metre
CAN Bus Wiring Requirements
The CAN bus should consist of a twisted pair trunk with 100R (0.25 watt)
terminating resistors at each end.
If the CAN bus is less than 2 metres (7 ft) long, a single termination
resistor may be used.
The preferred cable for the trunk is 100R data cable.
The maximum length of the bus is 16 metres (50 ft)
CAN devices (such as MoTeC Dash Loggers, ECUs etc.) may be
connected to the trunk with up to 500 mm (20 in) of twisted wire.