5. Refuelling of your stove should be done while
there are still glowing embers in the bed. Spread
the embers across the bottom, but concentrated
mostly towards the front of the stove.
6. Place three pieces of fuel weighing roughly 0.5-
0.7 kg and measuring about 5-0 cm in length
across the embers in one layer, with spacing of
roughly cm between the pieces of wood.
7. When the secondary air supply (the air controls)
is opened all the way and the door is closed, the
new fuel will ignite in a few minutes.
8. Once the new fuel has taken, adjust the secondary
air amount to the desired setting; optimal combus-
tion will continue until glowing charcoals are pro-
Under normal chimney draft conditions, expect to
refuel your stove every 60 - 70 minutes.
9. A new charge of wood can be added by repeating
steps 5 & 6.