Follow all hitching and towing specifications of
the trailer and towing equipment manufacturers.
You are personally responsible for safe hitching
and unhitching, loading and unloading, and
towing and driving practices.
Tow Rating Checks
Failure to verify and follow tow ratings may
result in damage to the tow vehicle or trailer
during transit. The trailer and its contents must
not exceed truck, hitch, and/or trailer tow ratings.
Do NOT Exceed
• Towing vehicle manufacturer's ratings
• Hitch manufacturer's ratings
• Trailer manufacturer's ratings
• Trailer coupler manufacturer's ratings
Follow all trailer manufacturer’s specifications for
safe loading/unloading of trailer.
Use of Manual
• Provide Manual to end user
End User
• Read and follow Manual with each use of the
MORryde Air1 Suspension System
• Save Manual for future reference
• Provide Manual to other users or future owners of
the MORryde Air1 Suspension System
Failure to follow all of these instructions may result in
serious injury or death.
• The system uses a 12v compressor. Contact
MORryde for correct replacement if necessary.
• Use the correct size ball for the trailer coupler and
prior to hitching and towing, ensure compatibility.
Pretravel Inspection
Prior to each tow, complete a pretravel inspection and
walk-around of the trailer and towing equipment.
• Inspect the condition of all towing equipment.
Make any repairs or replacements necessary.
• Inspect the condition and torque of all bolts.
• Check that the suspension height indicator is in the
green zone on both sides of the trailer.