TriStar MPPT-600V-TR Operator’s Manual
High Temperature Current Limit
The TS-MPPT-600V-TR will limit the solar input current if the heatsink temperature exceeds safe
limits. Solar charge current will be tapered back (to 0 amps if needed) to reduce the heatsink
temperature. The TS-MPPT-600V-TR is designed to operate at full rated current at the maximum
ambient temperature. This alarm indicates that there is insufficient airflow and that the heatsink
temperature is approaching unsafe limits. If the controller frequently reports this alarm condition,
corrective action must be taken to provide better air flow or to relocate the controller to a cooler
High Input Voltage Current Limit
As the solar array Voc approaches the maximum input voltage rating, the TS-MPPT-600V-TR will
limit battery charging current. The array Voc should never exceed the 600 Volt maximum input
Charging Current Limit
The array power exceeds the rating of the controller. This alarm indicates that the
TS-MPPT-600V-TR is limiting battery current to the maximum rating.
RTS Open
The Remote Temperature Sensor is not connected to the controller. Use of the RTS is
recommended for proper battery charging.
Heatsink Temperature Sensor Open / Shorted
The heatsink temperature sensor is damaged. Return the controller to an authorized Morningstar
dealer for service.
Battery Sense Out of Range / Disconnected
A battery sense wire is disconnected. Inspect the battery sense connections. This alarm is set
when the voltage at the battery sense voltage differs by more than 5 volts from the voltage at the
battery terminals.
The controller was not factory calibrated. Return the controller to an authorized Morningstar
dealer for service.
Networking and Communication
5.1 Introduction
The TS-MPPT-600V-TR provides several communication options. The TS-MPPT-600V-TR uses
a proprietary protocol for the MeterBus
network and the non-proprietary open standard
protocols for RS-232, EIA-485, and ethernet networks.
Additionally, HTTP, SMTP, and SNMP are supported for web page, email, and network message
support. Morningstar’s MSView
PC software provides system monitoring and logging
capabilities via RS-232, EIA-485, and ethernet. MSView
PC software is available for free on
our website at:
Further, hardware and third party software that supports the MODBUS
protocol can also be
used to communicate with a TS-MPPT-600V-TR.
Multiple communication ports can be used simultaneously. For example, a TS-MPPT-600V-TR
may be connected to a MeterBus
network for on-site system metering, connected to the
internet for remote monitoring, and connected to an EIA-485 network to bridge data from other
controllers in the system to an internet connection. Note that the RS-232 and EIA-485
connections share hardware and therefore cannot be used simultaneously.
Table 5-1 below provides a summary of supported features for each communication interface.
Display system/network data on a TriStar meter
Connect a TSMPPT to a Relay Driver or other MS Accessory
Collect data from multiple TSMPPT HV controllers on a network
View and log data with MSView
PC Software
View logged data stored in the TS-MPPT-600V-TR internal memory
Update TS-MPPT-600V-TR firmware
Program custom settings
View data in a web browser
Email notification
Text Message Alerts
SNMP Alerts
Table 5-1. Communication summary