CCD and Camera Electronics
G3 series of CCD cameras are manufactured with two kinds of OnSemi
(formerly Kodak) CCD detectors:
G3 cameras with OnSemi KAF Full Frame (FF) CCD
Almost all Full Frame CCD detector area is exposed to
light. This is why these detectors provide very high quantum
efficiency. FF CCD detectors, intended for research applications, are
not equipped with so-called Anti Blooming Gate (ABG – a gate,
which prohibits blooming of the charge to neighboring pixels when
image is over-exposed) to ensure linear response to light. FF CCD
detectors used for astrophotography are equipped with ABG to
eliminate disrupting blooming streaks within field of view.
Cameras with Full Frame detectors are suitable for scientific
applications, where linear response is necessary for photometric
applications in astronomy, microscopy etc. High quantum efficiency
could be used also for narrow-band imaging, where overexposure is a
rare exception, and for imaging of small objects without a bright star
in the field of view.
Illustration 2: “Full Frame” CCD schematic diagram