These cameras are able to acquire color image in single exposure, without the
necessity to change color filters. On the other side color mask brings lower
sensitivity and limits the capability to perform exposures using narrow-band
filters etc.
Because each pixel is covered by one of three basic color filters, it is necessary
to compute (interpolate) remaining two colors for each pixel, which of course
limits resolution of color image. Imaging using color detectors is described in
the “Color images” chapter.
CCD Chip
Quantum efficiency (sensitivity) of CCD detectors used in G3 cameras depends
on the particular camera model.
Illustration 4: Quantum efficiency of CCD detectors used in G3
Inherent dark current of these detectors is quite low compared to other CCD
detectors, suitable for scientific applications, which results into very good
signal/noise ratio.
Model G3-1000
G3-1000 model uses 1 MPx OnSemi KAF-1001E Class 1 or 2 CCD chip.
1024×1024 pixels