instead of two smaller fans employed by previous revisions.
Information on the camera head (Camera Id, Serial number etc.) was
placed on the sticker at first, but later it was laser engraved directly to
the aluminum shell. But this difference is only visual and does not
define new revision.
The enlarged desiccant barrel allowed much easier desiccant exchange
without opening of the camera head (accessible from the outside).
Number of models of G2 cameras were offered – KAF detector
variants (G2-0402, G2-1600, G2-3200), KAI detector variants (G2-
2000, G2-4000) and also “astrophotographic” model with ABG KAF
detector (G2-8300).
Internal filter wheel diameter was shrunk to 95.5 mm.
Camera driver was named “g3ccd”. The slightly confusing naming of
G2 and G4 camera drivers originated here – all three series (including
the G3 one) used the same, software compatible electronics and thus
also the same driver.
More exactly two drivers for two versions of these cameras were
introduced, one for Full-Frame KAF CCD based cameras (g3ccdF)
and the second for Interline-Transfer detectors KAI CCD based
cameras (g3ccdI). Differentiation is necessary because of fundamental
differences in driving of CCD chips of the above mentioned
Number of internal updates were performed on G2 cameras revision 3, for
instance variants for external filter wheel were developed, additional heating of
the cold CCD chamber front optical window was added, near-IR preflash
capability was introduced for KAF based models etc. But cameras were the
same from the outside and they were software compatible and used the same
Revision 4
Development of another version of digital electronics, using modern electronics
circuits, required introduction of new revisions of G2, G3 and G4 cameras. G2
series advanced from revision 3 to 4 and G3 and G4 series are now in
revision 2.