Welcome to the creative medium of Electronic Music. Your Moog Synthesizer 15 is a pro-
fessional modular system, made with the same high quality, precisely-engineered components
as the largest Moog studio synthesiers. Its compactness and convenience make it ideal for
live performace on location, yet it is expandable into a studio system of any size. It combines
functional simplicity and logical layout with the versatility necessary for producing a full
range of sounds and effects. We of Moog Music, Inc. have applied our capabilities and expe-
rience to give you an instrument that will serve you well in your music producing and teach-
ing activities.
But before you begin, join us on an introductory quided tour through your Synthesizer 15.
First, you will learn a few fundamental rules and concepts of synthesizer operation. Next you
will explore the basic capabilities of the Synthesizer 15 through a sequence of illustrated in-
structions. Once you acquire
hands on
familiarity with your instrument, you will want to in-
crease your understanding of its more advanced capabilities by studying the module applica-
tion notes.
While on this tour, you are always encouraged to experiment and devlop your own ways of
using your instrument. By listening carefully and critically, you will learn just about all this
tour has to offer. No technical training is needed. If you have a good musical ear and a
knowledge of basic physical terms, then you will have no trouble keeping up. You will soon
develop a
for your instrument, the same sort of
that any good musician develops after
working with his own instrument over a period of time.
Now to being our tour . . .
(signed) Robert A. Moog
P.S. Be sure to fill out the Warranty Registration card and send it to us, if your dealer has not
already done so.
Copyright 1974
Moog Music, Inc.
Printed in U.S.A.