LM 260
Loudspeaker Management Processor |
Owner’s manual
LM 260
In the example on preview page we did four Eq settings on OUT 3 & 4, which are linked, We needed to boost 250Hz by 4.00dB
with a tight 25.00Q bell. We cut by 4.00dB 700Hz with a quite wide 5.00Q (pink shaded area) We boosted by 1.00db 1.0kHz,
with wide 1.00Q.
All above operations have been suggested by overall sound system in venue, as checked with a spectrum analyzer. Ops... The
Bell @ 20kHz is activated but it doesn’t affect the overall sound, since its Gain is 0.00dB(!) and the frequency response @ 20kHz
is hardly cut by 3.50kHz Butterworth LPF!
This screen display also the 120Hz 24dB Bessel HPF and 3.50kHz Butterworth 24dB LPF, no delay, and Limiter section THR @
0.00 (it’s “off”) and REL @ 50.00
The overall result of above settings is shown by white line.
6.6.3 HIGH
In above example we did just one Eq setting on OUT 5 & 6, which are linked. To obtain a better dispersion we used a High Shelf filter tuned @
5.00kHz with just 1.00dB boost, so achieving the green area increment.
This screen display also the 3.50kHz Butterworth 24dB HPF and no LPF and delay. In order to prevent our drivers from any damage, we set the
Limiter section THR @ -5.00, but with a very fast REL setting @ 1.00
The overall result of above settings is shown by white line.