Once the desired input is displayed, momentarily press the Enter Button to select it.
The Display will revert back to the Home Screen with the selected input visible in
the top right corner.
The input options include RCA LINE, XLR LINE, OPTICAL, COAXIAL, AES3, and
Volume Control
Rotate the Value Knob clockwise or counterclockwise to increase or decrease the
volume level. The Display will change to show volume level in decibels (dB).
The numeric dB value indicates the amount of attenuation (negative) or gain
(positive) applied to the original input signal.
The volume level range is -80.0dB to +16.0dB, in 0.5dB increments.
It is normal for the displayed dB value to change by several dB when adjusting the
volume at the low end of the range due to the logarithmic nature of the volume
control curve.
Momentarily press the Menu Button to display the Main Menu.
Rotate the Value Knob clockwise or counterclockwise to cycle forward or backward
through the list of available menus.
Momentarily press the Enter Button to select the displayed menu.
Momentarily press the Menu Button to return to the Main Menu.
The submenus are EQ [1/4], DRC [2/4], DIRAC [3/4], and SETTINGS [4/4].
After about 30 seconds of no input while any menu or submenu is displayed, the
Display will revert back to the Home Screen.